9th Annual Golf Tournament
August 13, 2022
On a very overcast August Saturday that threatened rain at any time, over 100 golfers participated in our fifth annual golf outing in support of Drew’s Home of Clarkston. Fortunately, the rain held off until the last foursome finished. Besides enjoying 18 holes of golf, the golfers were treated to a box lunch and an excellent buffet dinner prepared by a very skillful Boulder Pointe staff. Thirty-five more supporters who contributed to Drew’s Home also enjoyed the dinner and evening festivities.
Paul Maxwell was honored for his many contributions to the birth of and vision for Drew’s Home. Paul was one of the original founders, and it was he who suggested the name Drew’s Home of Clarkston. Ever since, he has been a key to our development and growth.
As a result of a 50/50 Raffle, the entry fees, Vegas holes entries, donations, and sales of Drew’s Home Yeti cups, the day’s activities raised over $40,000. That contribution ensured that we can further our efforts to provide safe, accessible, and comfortable living conditions for adults with disabilities.
We are very thankful that so many, under the leadership of Mike and Rose, teamed up to once again make our golf outing the best. However, most of all, we are thankful for the many golfers and donors whose efforts have made it the best. Please join us again on the golf course next year.